Senin, 15 September 2008

My Boy Lirics by Lisa Ono

Azri denger lagu ini pas ada acara 'Say yes to ASI' di MKG 3. Sebenarnya denger lagu ini sih udah sering apalagi kan lg ini jg jd themeSongnya susu ibu wkt hamil n manyusui. Tp kok pas di MKG itu kedengerannya syahduuuuu bgt... sampe2 Azri ketiduran. Walaupun agak2 ribut n rame tp Azri ttp tidurnya nyenyak bgt. Ehhhh pas mau udahan dari acara itu malahan Azri bgn hehehe.... Ini liricsnya ya, bagus bgt lagunya menggambarkan suasana hati ibu ke Ari :) Lagunya ada jg kok...
My boy - lisa ono

First time I saw my son,
I knew I was in love
Because he was the gift
I got from somewhere up above
O wow, o yes, o joy, so joy right here in my arms
He looks at me,
I can see he’s showing all his charms
Can’t remember what I did before I saw his face
But now he’s here and I can feel his amazing grace

Watching him play,
somehow reminds me of myself
Once upon a different time when I was someone else
O me, o my, I feel so high every single day
O yes, o lay, my lord yea yea watching my son play
First time he walked detours I step into a chance
I took his hand and then we started first dance

The first dance was so fine
that I never will forget
He held my hand so tightly
that I haven’t start dancing yet
My love, my boy, my son, my joy always keep your glow
And know that love will be with you
wherever you may go
And if something should fall apart
somewhere down the line
Just tell me all about it and I will make it fine

I traveled many roads before
but somehow they were wrong
And sometimes we find that life is just a simple song
Even the saddest songs have a human face
I will always keep my son in love’s magic place

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